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in this episode of our podcast newsletter: on motherhood and getting pregnant, being pregnant during a pandemic, facing fears and judgment, and my miscarriage. Everything about what happened during and after, how am I doing right now and why no one wants to talk about this.

huge disclaimer: I tried to be mega sensitive and cautious around this subject, but of course I'm going to be talking about blood, failed pregnancy and medical stuff. Lots of TMI, so you're warned!

Things that kept me afloat during these rough weeks:

 • watched Half of it on Netflix before all this, nice movie!

• also watched before this: Biggest vlog by Trickywagon 

• watched Plan D YouTube channel during that horrible limbo weekend and after my procedure and it was so nice

Gender Critical by ContraPoints uploaded a year ago and still so relevant to what’s happening today. If you're confused about what's happening to transgender people (specially after JK Rolling's comments) please watch cause it's so enlightening.

• During my weird days I wanted to watch anything and everything that could distract me: both Tiger King and Jeffrey Epstein documentaries on Netflix were great scapes.

• Also all the sleeping aid or falling asleep meditation sessions on Headspace, a life savior 

• watched Howl's Moving Castle, Porco Rosso and From Up on Poppy Hill, all from Studio Ghibli, have watched each a bizillion times but were so comforting

500 Albums Project: LOVED Radiohead, Ok computer and haven't shared it here yet

Still reading The Virgin Suicides (I know it's a short book but I genuinely didn’t feel like reading while I was in bed) and watching the latest season of Queer Eye with Ed on Netflix!



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