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in this SICK podcast newsletter: all about my brother's wedding, plus: I saw my dad for the first time in years!, working with my mum and starting a new business together, how to make something fun when it sucks, drawing a lot and our traveling plans for January!

Since I've barely consumed any stuff lately (music, series, movies, books), here are some fun pics of my trip so far (and also a visual aid for some stuff I talked during this podcast)

1. my revealing dress, and my two sisters: Ines (the youngest of the clan, on the left) and Rosario (my oldest sibling, on the right)

2. my mum and I doing errands: writing a shaky to-do list on the bus, buying jars and petting a cat XD

3. Buying paint! 

4. In Santiago's studio, he's the one who did our screens!



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