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Yaaaay! We did it guuuys! *pats every single one of you on the back*

So as you guys know, this month the challenge was: do something NEW. We're officially half way 2019 and I wanted to spice things up. AND OH LORD YOU DID, we've never received SO MANY submissions

I tried painting on plates, and it was SO FUN. I really wanted to do it again, and show you more plates and cups, but back then I had no idea I was going to brake my toe! u_u I wanna keep painting plates and cups, so please give me a few weeks to recover and go back to it!

yaaaay! Lo hicimos neeeeerds! *les da a cada uno de ustedes una palmadita en la espalda*
Como ustedes saben mis nerds del amor, este mes fue: hacer algo NUEVO. Estamos oficialmente a mitad de camino del 2019 y quería hacer las cosas más interesantes. Y OH POR DIOS LO HICIERON, nunca habíamos recibido TANTAS trabajos!
Yo probé pintar en platos y fue TAN entretenido. Realmente quería hacer esto de nuevo, y mostrarles más platos y tazones, pero en ese entonces no sabía que me iba a quebrar el dedo del pie u_u Quiero seguir pintando platos y tazones, así que por favor denme un par de semanas para recuperarme y volver a intentarlo!

I couldn't take pictures of the plates (I thought "oh I'm going to take pictures later, when I come back to the studio on Monday" but with my broken toe I haven't managed to go to the studio!) but if you wanna see the final results please watch this video!

You guys, on the other hand, took over this challenge ON ANOTHER LEVEL. I feel SO INSPIRED after reading your comments, seeing your pictures and knowing how your month was. Thank you so much for doing this challenge and sharing the results with us!

No pude sacar fotos del resultado final (pensé "oh voy a sacar las fotos después, cuando vuelva al estudio el Lunes" pero con mi dedo roto nunca volví al estudio!) pero si quieren ver cómo quedó todo por favor vean este video!
Ustedes nerds, por otro lado, se tomaron este reto EN OTRO NIVEL. Me siento TAN inspirada luego de leer sus comentarios, ver sus fotos y saber cómo les fue este mes. Muchísimas gracias por hacer este reto y por compartir sus resultados con nosotros!

This is all you in all your awesomeness:

(estos son ustedes en todo su esplendor:)

sarahdshotts Sarah tried painting on an ipad for the first time "There’s nothing like analogue, but as a new mum I’m loving the iPad. Here’s why... 1. No set up. So it’s easy to draw when David nods off to sleep in my arms. 2. No clean up. We have quite enough of that with laundry and dirty diapers. 3. I can share without scanning or photographing. Easy peasy! 4. Built in light box! (This piece was based on a pottery imprint I made last summer.) 5. It works in the dark! Perfect for sneaking bedtime doodles."

mistymauvegray Misty tried pastels! "I've only used oil pastels a few times so this is new to me. It's like painting without having a drawing under it"

ShaydenDoodles "I used Acryla gouache from Turners on a piece of slate I found on a beach in Norfolk U.K. a while back! It was meant to be a cat but ended up more fox like because of the tail and orange hue, but I had fun anyway"

dotjesonsockjes / pinkipooh "Well I don’t know if that counts but I created something that I never would’ve thought I would be able/ comfortable to do... I designed my own tattoo. I got it last week and I‘m so happy with it"

Nostalgic_Panda "I normally do digital art or acrylic paintings, but I wanted to try making handmade pins. I still haven’t gotten everything completely right with making them, but I definitely have stepped out of my comfort zone considering these are products I’ve never used before. Fingers crossed that I can get this right, though, and it’s been super cool to see what everyone else has come up with!"

tlt_sammich "Watercolor has always intimidated me, but I gave it a whirl today and accidentally fell in love with it!"

Vene "The father of a high school friend passed away recently. His name was Walter but everyone called him Daddy. This is new for me because I finally used colored pencils, not just the brown one I started with a few months ago. I sent it to my friend and she loved it. Not perfect (screwy proportions, etc.) but I’m learning as I go."

Heartbrake "My new thing is procreate. It took me a whole week and a lot a patience but I'm enjoying figuring it out"

BlueRedie "I thought I would try origami. After some very poor attempts (a lot of very scrunched paper) I finally managed to make some butterflies and a couple of flowers. Origami definitely not my thing then but I'm really happy to have completed these."

brosedraws "My new thing - a little comic! I normally dont use that much text in my work so it was fun to give it a try. The composition wasn't very well-planned but now I'm inspired to make more!"

_cloda_ "for this challenge i wanted to try and draw animals (i never do!) and something digitally (something i've wanted to do but never do) so both things were way out of my comfort zone but i had fun doing so and i'm more open to trying new creative things. this is my cat Lenny who always sits like this"

Julia "I’ve been trying gouache !"

Tama "I tried  acrylics for the first time... Difficult things as I don't master colors theory, saturation etc very well (i did'nt have yellow acrylics, only white, green and pink hehe) !"

North "My friend recently had his birthday, so I decided to make him a little present and try something new! I painted over a goat figurine w acrylics and made it into his fursona"

Vera Golosova "I tried doing live oil studies for the first time alone without a teacher. It was a hell of a challenge, because I have little experience in general and there is nobody around to tell you how to mix colors and work on values."

Clémence "For this month, I tried to do some mix media work (watercolour + coloured pencil). I have tried a bit before, but never as a full coherent series. I combined this with the Potter Week Prompts challenge, so that's why all these illu are hp related "

Bee Lauren "My new thing was painting gouache on wood. I primed the wood with clear gouache. I dont think I will actually be finished the painting before tomorrow, but I am really happy with the feeling of painting on wood. And when I diluted the gouache, you can see the wood underneath. I am so happy I tried this!"

Ciraceru "I learned how to do a doll. It's not a draw but I guess it counts"

 valerialcocer "I painted in clay tiles. I try pastel chalks too"

JustBreathing "This month I tried RISO printing for the first time"

aletear "I missed a couple of months, so for July I wanted to keep it very simple: I tried white over black. Hello Leaf Constellation!"

Georgina "I usually only draw people and wanted to work on more illustrative styles for dogs/animals"



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