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In this episode: join me in this nonsense; moving and visa updates, why I shouldn't record a podcast in front of the window, mega anxious, loads of uncertainty PLUS: my plans for this weekend and projects I'm working on right meow!

Things YOU guys shared with me!

Kelly shared Coffitivity where you can play audios on the background with poeple talking and working, just like at a coffee shop! hahaha fun and useful, perfect when wanting to be productive! 

Anna shared Domestic Gothess a vegan cooking vlog, I REALLY need to try new recipes so this arrived at the perfect time, thank you so much Anna!

Stuff I've been enjoying lately 

My Favourite Murder podcast (I started from episode 1 last week!)
• These two episodes from podcasts I follow: Figuring it out as you go by Being Boss, MEGA inspiring and motivating, and The Secret of my Death, by This American Life, SO interesting!  
• Serie Wild Japan on Netflix  
How much to charge video, by the wonderful Holly
• Cheyenne's Trying to get my life together vlog

On my to-read/to-watch list:

•Judith Kerr The only exam I've Ever failed   
• Steven Universe   
• Still watching and enjoying LOVE (on Netflix, I'm on season 3) but everybody keeps recommending me The End of the F**ing World and Everything Sucks! (both on Netflix)

ALSO: Hamburguesa and Cereal are on a diet (I love their curvy figures, but the vet told me they should loose some weight before the moving) and this happened a few nights ago 

(These are my favourite biscuits and THEY DON'T EVEN LIKE THEM, they just opened the package, licked a few and left them there aaaaghh hahaha)



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