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In this episode: finally reconnecting with myself after a month of feeling all over the place (and how I did it), moving update and all the projects I'm working right now!

Stuff I mentioned on the podcast: Pomodoro method, I'm using Gero app

Things I've been enjoying:

- Dreamy weather in Hastings
- These two songs by Indigo La End
Muppets' Outtakes
-oh these colours
-"If you're not going to get excited and put value on your work, don't expect anyone else to get excited or put value on your work." —Brene Brown
-I love Kendyll and CatCreature's vlogs

Currently listening: Stereolab (specially this song)
Currently watching: LOVE (on Netflix, just started season two) and Brooklyn 99 (I'm on episode 3, still not convinced D:) plus Rupaul season 10!



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