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It's time to submit your requests for August renders! As per usual, I'll accommodate what I can and as stated, any requests can be confirmed via PM or comment as to what can and can't be done.

Please refer to Welcome page™ for the guidelines and content types to aid in your requests (and remember, NSFW themes are welcome!) :) (note that it may not be quite complete yet, so if you have any questions, direct them to me via DM/PM!)

Post those requests in the comments section of this post (or DM/PM me, that works too)! :D

REQUESTS CLOSE this Saturday @ 10:00 pm (UTC-8) / Sunday @ 5:00 pm (UTC+12), depending on your hemisphere/timezone.

Once these requests are collected in, I'll set up a poll for the following week. Please remember that it's one request per person (unless you happen to be a Palladium supporter...you get 2 😋)!

Get yours in for a chance to have it done for August!




Taylor screams as Deshaun’s baby is only at an early crown. Taylor is in stirrups and Deshaun looks proud of himself making a large baby

Dimas Rahadian

Pregnant Hasyim fucking not (yet) pregnant Hyun.