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Okay guys, sneak peek time

Today we are going to talk about the quickie, lewds and the "Sunday"

And of course, the voiced stuff

Let's start with the quickie

They are really simple, if you have enough lust with a girl, you are going to be able to perform these quick sex action, because yes

Quick example is Sheila when she is in your room

While she is cleaning, a new option will appear

But it's going to be usable only with the correct amount of lust from her

"Oh look, a nice new button, what I'm gonna do now?"

Obviously, the graphics are only explanatory 

With the right lust you will be able to perform the action

I'm gonna add for this build both Sheila and Asme, maybe also Cleos

Since they are fast scene, like 1 video + ending shot

From that the name "quickie"

Now let's talk about the voice stuff

This is still an experiment, but I decided to show you some stuff

Unfortunatly it's not for this build, since I tought that voicing all girls and then people not liking the voice and having to redo all the works from zero, pretty meh

So first I'll share with you all the moanings, and then I will apply them to the girls

And for "voiced" I mean moans, not real voice 

Last stuff is the "Sunday"

I decided to give more importance to that day, being something different from the others

During the morning, a random girl can come to your room asking you to spend the day with her to do "insert here random event"

So for example, let's say Isabel, a future main, maybe... comes to your room, asking to spend the day with you doing Picnic

You can decide if you want to spend all the day with her, doing the event, and then going directly to the next day, or simply refusing her offer and do what you want on that day

Gonna say one last thing, maybe I already said this, but I'm changing the meeting events with the girls, to be more coerent with the story

And not only that, now it could also happen that the story can block some girls progress, still for the same reason

And that's it, next week it's the day for revealing the secret peek stuff, and showing you guys the new npcs and the fish

Go in peace



Patrick Skilleter

To clarify the last part, are you saying that certain events in the main story can stop you progressing a girl's story entirely, or just temporarily?


So, in the case of big events like Dusk's, they freeze momentarily until you pass a resolution point, while others like Maeve's can block progress until you complete that particular main quest.