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And after all this time, It's finally that time, it's secret peek time!

Today I'm going to show you some characters with their functions and something more

So, let's start with that nice postprocessing stuff, I already showed it to some of you, maybe two people 

But hey, let's see a nice difference, even if I know that only the most trained eyes will be able to see it

This one is the version without the post-processing stuff

Now let's show the new render with the new post-p

This one is the new one

Let's do a zoom on Maeve face to better understand these changes

Old one

New one 

So from now on, I'll render with that stuff on

Now let's talk about some new chara and what they will do in-game

Many of you have already seen her

Model and name are being updated

But this girl lives on the border between your domain and Unison, from as you can tell, a farm girl who will sell you items that can provide special boosts to your actions 

Since next month, the focus will be forcibly on the secondary stuff, I'm going to start adding stuff like that, as well as the famous cooking

So imagine being able to buy fresh produce from her that you will need to create something more complex

Now, let's show the second chara

Also, her , model and name to be completed and defined

As you can see it is the clothing store, in fact, she will be the famous character who can sell you and create costumes for your girls

I had shown some costumes, but since not everyone will have seen them, time for the second round of possible in-game costumes

Remember, she is the same person that got a sexy cow outfit in her store 

Now let's switch to the last chara of today

She comes from the sea, give a round of applause to... Scilla (name to be decided)

I know, Scilla is more suitable to a Kraken girl, so I'm still deciding on the name

But today I'm not  gonna say who she is, but her creation process, since there are still a few changes I could do

So, the first problem was about giving her scales or no

But since she is a Mershark/Nereid, their skin got no scales, so for that reason in the end I decided to not use them

I also wanted to give her some side fins, but....

The yellow ones in the arms, to be precise, but the problem as usual is koi limits since the fins go where they want

For this reason, probably she will be without them, I really like those fins....I hope to find a solution

And the last question is about her mershark tail, with or without?

This one is without

Lucky the tail gives me no problem, except for...you know...behind stuff

And with this, today's secret it's over, hope you like the new charas

Fast update

I found a way to fix the fins, they must stay in a place where there are almost zero movements, like the wrist

soo, I can add them, but small, also long hair version

So the final design will get the fins and the tails,  I want her to be with short hair, sorry long hair lovers

Maybe a future form with long hair, who knows...

Her model is ready

Also, the nails are yellow, so the colors theme of the chara are blue yellow black

And now it's really over, go in peace.



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