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The planets have aligned, it is time for some sneak peeks.

First thing the reset part

As always, new dialogues improved by PB

Changed the bg of the old portal house, with a cleaner one

Now all the girls got the screen of an lv up

When their stats improve, you will now thanks to the animation

Finally, all the stats of the girls are upgradable

These icons now can be finally used

Now the lust or love part of the scene are unlockable under those stats

Now let's talk about the new stuff

There will be a new repeatable lewd for Sheila

One new for Asmedia

One new for Heramael:

But these ones will be treated in a different way

With the sequence of scene

Example with Asmedia

The new lewd is a boobsjob

So you choose the scene

A new cutscene will start

After that, another scene will start

Something like "These are the pillows are you looking for ?"

And then the scene

It's Hera, but you get it

Coming soon there are also Game Overs, which happen in particular moments of the story, following your advice, I will avoid using the other version, considered by many "too heavy"

Old GO

New GO

There is much more to show as the mc stats rework, the cuddle stuff and the new stuff incoming, and the focus for the future release, but I will keep them for next week, for today is all. 



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