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I know your pain. Unfortunately, the guy who implemented mantaflow fluids left blender a few years ago to work at another company. At the very least simulation nodes are being implemented in experimental builds right now. Hopefully someone will figure out fluid sim. In the meantime... I don't know- turn up the timesteps, sampling [under the "liquid" header], particle maximum and minimum, and maaaaybe the narrow band. I wish I had more to offer than just, "run a simulation that takes longer" If you feel like shelling out some dough, the FLIP Fluids addon is still being updated, but it's $76 US. I can't make any promises since I haven't used it (the price is too steep for me to afford). Edit: I might also recommend setting the Cache type to "modular" that way you only spend time simulating the mesh once the particle side is fine. Edit edit: I realize you probably already knew most of my tips.


Thank you for this info. I'm relatively new to Blender, I learn over the water (it's an understatement xD) according to the needs of each scene. I did not know the plugin you are talking about (flip fluid), and I think it deserves my interest. Currently I'm not really satisfied with the level of detail of the fluids. Indeed with mantaflow, the meshes are relatively coarse, and to obtain something finer, you have to increase the sampling which takes a lot of time despite the power of my processor... Regarding the famous "explosion" that you see in the video, I think I understood what is happening... during a fluid simulation with mantaflow, this one monopolizes 96% of each unit of each cpu core , if you use an application in parallel (an internet browser for example) and the cpu overloads (100%) the simulation explodes... it's quite a strange phenomenon, but I managed to reproduce it. When I am not using the pc during the initialization of the fluid simulation, everything goes well.