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"That's a good expression on you, Asari."


She more heard than uttered the words rolling off her lips, the seed hitting her insides serving as fuel for the fire, coaxing out desires and wants that the meekness in her voice betrayed to her surroundings. The men did not seem to mind - rather the opposite, there was a glimmer in the Cerberus General's eyes, liquid excitement leaking from the engorged head of his member as he stared down at her.

"Do you want it... in your face?"

Samara's throat felt at once parched and tense, her heart beating loudly in her head. She gazed up at the obscene pole of meat before her, and swallowed, hard.

"... please."

Thankfully, he was more than happy to grant her wish.


Aftermath wallpaper for the most recent Wayward animation! I'm really happy with how well received the piece has been so far, so thank you to everyone who voted and made sure it became reality! The Aftermath went through no small amount of iterations until finally landing on this - my mind is picky and weird and there were no small amount of birthing pains until I finally settled on something that I found looked decent enough to post. Hope you enjoy it, regardless!

Thank you, and you in particular, for your continued support and for all of your kind words. Reminder that the Halloween themed Scenario Poll for October is underway as of this very moment, and the leaders are just a single vote away from each other as of writing, so make sure you get your votes in there! Two days remain and you never know who snag the win in the end :)

Hope you're doing well out there, and take care of yourselves, and each other!
