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"Have you faced an asari commando unit before? Few have..."

"No, but they certainly have faced me."

Liara paused and sized the alien up. Was she going to argue semantics here, or just let that slide? Was this some kind of strange mind game? Was he just stalling for time? Her blue eyes scanned his massive frame before, eventually, settling on an obscenely large bulge at the front of his space suit - a smile curving her plump lips as she let out a small chuckle. Her own suit didn't leave much for the imagination, so it was an entirely predictable response, and all according to plan.

"... is that a gun in your suit, or are you just happy to see me?"

"It is a gun."

Her smile fell.

"... Oh".

"I was intending to shoot at you."

"... I understand that, yes."

An awkward silence reigned as they simply stared at each other, their location deep in the bowels of the ship, where even the low hum of the engines managed to drown out the distant sounds of everyday life.

"... though we might, of course, reach another solution to our conflict instead."

Liara looked up at him, this veritable walking enigma of a yahg, before nodding slowly.

"... yes, let us do that."

He leaned in and fixed her with a stare - all his eyes focused at her with sudden intensity, almost making her take a step back from the shift in attitude.

"Doctor T'Soni!"


"Do you play Kepesh-Yakshi?"

"... By the Goddess, just get out of your damn suit."


Angle 1:

Angle 2:

Angle 3:

Angle 4:

Angle 5:

Angle 6:

Angle 7:

Angle 8:

EDIT (sound, small file size, sony vegas edited)
Compilation (compilation of all EDIT angles into one video file)
RAW (no sound, large file size, raw render)


Liara has once again been voted to the fore by the Alley Crew, and thus gets another spotlight. Last time she barely managed to slide past before the longer cooldown periods came into effect, but this time she's not as lucky. Tried some new stuff once more, with a focus on large penetration this time owing to feedback, so I hope you enjoy it folks :)

Thank you, as always, for your continued support and for all of your kind words. I've created a "collection" called Animation Loops, which I reckon people will be able to find somehow here on Patreon. Tags are as usual, though they seem less up front than before. I have no idea what they are doing or why this is considered a step up in terms of site navigation, but perhaps I'll warm up to it over time. Weather remains rainy and cool, which suits me just fine, but man if it's not getting a little tiresome to come home with wet feet after every cardio pursuit. While my wife loves autumn, I personally cannot help but look forward to winter. Hope you're doing well out there folks, all things considered.

And take care of yourselves, and each other!




Damn I seriously want a scenario now with this kind of scene! Reverse cowgirl and liara couldn't ask for more!


I can't decide which angle I like better, 2 for the booba or 7 for that ass.


Angle 2. What a show!