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He had been wise to her wily ways from the moment she appeared.

Many years had passed since the supposed defeat of Sin, and he was no longer as young or spry as he once was, but his mind yet remained sharp and his faith just as unflinching. He'd watched his temple brothers fall, one after another, signalling a slow but seemingly inevitable march towards the doom of their collective - until he was the only one that remained. He'd felt her watch his every move, valiantly repelled her advances, and resisted her tempting form at every turn, until he was left with only her fury - green eyes glaring at him from the dark, like embers that refused to go out. Yet in a clash between the kind of faith Yevon instilled in his followers and simple, carnal Al Bhed temptation, all the latter could hope for was a stalemate; eternally robbed of its prize.

This, at least, was the outcome he dearly wished he'd been able to claim.

Tanned skin and holy oils were, in the end, an all too deadly combination.


Angle 1:

Angle 2:

Angle 3:

Angle 4:

Angle 5:

Angle 6:

Angle 7:

Angle 8:

EDIT (sound, small file size, sony vegas edited)
Compilation (all EDIT angles compiled into one video file)
RAW (no sound, large file size, raw render)


Monday loop featuring Rikku from the years following Final Fantasy X-2, as voted according to the Less Popular Ladies principle over on the discord. An unlikely victor, she none the less pulled ahead and eked out a victory by a singular point. While the piece has its flaws I'm still pretty happy with how it turned out, particularly the butt jiggle bit, with some more intensity and differing manner to the thrusts being the greatest challenge to make workable. Hope you enjoy it folks :)

Thank you, as always, for your continued support and for all of your kind words. Had something of a rough day today, hence the late post, but the indominable human spirit shall persist - the pessimism of the intellect shall not triumph over the optimism of the will. Weather remains wet but has suddenly turned hot, so humid all around, which is making me long for a winter where the moisture isn't as big of an issue, so I hope you're more fortunate out there, wherever you are.

Regardless, take care of yourselves, and each other!




Damn, well done!


finally, a thicc rikku in all her glory

Anthony S.

JEEEZ, Rikku is taking everything the old man has left in his HP , poor guy... 💀


While far from being an enthusiastic admirer of this 'Rikku' character (a little too 'tomboy'-looking to my taste ; not much into the Final Fantasy franchise, except for the Scarlet, Tifa and Lulu characters), you've managed to make her appear so sexy and gorgeous in this scene that it completely validates, IMHO, your choice of holding a 'Less Popular Ladies' poll from time to time. It provides us all with a real breath of 'fresh air', the more enjoyable because it enables us to tread unexpected and here-to-fore unexplored paths, while ending with yet another work of art. Thank you, DH !