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Hello everyone and welcome to another progress report!

Barring getting a Bayonetta model set up for use there's sadly been little in the way of larger project work this week on account of my life, in no small part because my wife conscripted me for some spring cleaning. In her defense it was sorely needed, though my body remains surprised today at muscle groups existing that the gym clearly does not reach properly, but which carrying old chairs and debris clearly can give a workout. Props to the folks out there with physical jobs where you lug stuff around all day, you're one hardy lot.

In more interesting news, the Alley Crew has come down with its first verdict for their first Scenario, slated to release towards the end of this month. Miss Croft managed to eke out a single vote victory over Liara, both coming out strong right out of the gates, and she'll be paired with one or several Human men for the piece. I'm yet to decide on a scene, but will explore it starting this weekend, and hope that the end results will be something you all will enjoy.

I'm both anxious and excited about this kind-of-new content form whilst curious about how much I can accomplish within the time allotted. I will be giving it my all, and hope that you all will go easy on me while I figure out a workflow and a means to sort these out over time, which will, just like with the regular loops, be reflected through a higher quality end-product. But I have work to get back to - another storage unit needs emptying, and my wife is giving me the look from across the room.

Pray for my muscles, and thank you, as always, for your continued support and for all of your kind words. No rest for the wicked, as they say, so I gotta rush off and get this stuff sorted so I can finally get some rest this weekend. Entropy doesn't work nearly fast enough on all the crap I throw in moving boxes over the years, I swear.

Take care of yourselves, and each other!




Very thrilled to see Lara Croft win! I never played mass effect so have no attachment to Liara and you've done her a lot... lol.. Would have preferred her with monsters, but will still take this result happily!

Jess Westen

Fuck!, come on!!!!!!


The choice between Lara and Liara was really a close one. I guess they're popular choices.


This is gonna be a good one


We sincerely sympathize with you regarding your 'Spring Cleaning' ordeal, DH ^_^ ! It's a case of 'Crumb Raider'...


Would definitely like to see more of Liara from mass effect