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"This dress leaves... little to the imagination, Shepard."

"The way the yahg like it. Didn't you say you were going to snare one?"

"I did, but..."

"Thought so! Come on everyone, Samara here is getting impatient and desperately needs some vorcha log."

"I think that's just you, Commander."

"Oh, it's definitely not just me, not in this squad."


Quick N7 day wallpaper, not nearly as polished as I wish it was, but better than just keeping it to myself. Still trying to become friends with Cycles, which magically managed to render up this image in spite of its immense load. A single frame here took almost 40 minutes, and at almost half the sample rate I usually go for in the engine, so it was clearly quite an undertaking for my poor graphic card :)

Thank you, everyone, for your continued support and for all of your kind words, and happy N7 day! Hopefully we'll have some good Mass Effect news coming in the future - it's been darn sparse lately, that's for sure.

Take care of yourselves, and each other!



David isBrosif

Love this! keep up the Awesome work 👍😎


The lineup of dreams, the boys inside don't stand a chance!