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"Oooh, that's- oh... that's real good, new girl..."

"Mmhh... think I have any talent for this?"

"You'll be real popular, real quick, I dare say... just... ooh, tongue, right there... yes, yes...."

She knew exactly where, and guided her sharp tongue to flutter and dance across the frenulum whilst willing herself to not smile as she saw him tense up like a board - the old man's back stiffening as he leaned back against the brick wall with a shaky moan from the sudden onslaught.

It was almost too easy.

"Maybe you... can help... a new girl out?" She breathed, tugging at him as she kept up her antics, tongue lashing out to occasionally cut off her words. His response was predictable, a hand coming down to entangle itself into her red hair as he nodded fervently.

"R-right now... anything you want, my dear."

"What's a girl gotta do to... build a good reputation around here?"

He was thick, with Natasha's fingers just barely able to reach around the larger center point of his log. She'd figured he'd be a quick deal when she'd coaxed him into the alley, just a good way to ease her into her role here, and while he'd started off with the telltale softness of age, he'd slowly, over time, hardened from her treatment - now to a point where his girth was, frankly, becoming quite impressive.

"W-well, you've got the... ohhh... you've got the looks, and... the price down, to a tee, my dear..."

She felt her eyebrows rise, though got them under control quickly. A few measly dollars occupied what usually was her gun holster, now appropriated to hold what was ostensibly her pay for hard work, and she shifted her heeled shoes around on the ground, both to be more comfortable and to hide her annoyance.

"You'd be surprised at... ooohh... how hard the competition is here... lots of girls around..."

"So how can I... stand out?"

He looked down at her and moistened his lips, hers busy planting kisses down the side of his now incredibly hard member, and smiled somewhat wryly.

"Well... you could always take it raw."

She paused, looking up at him with her bangs framing her face, eyes searching his in anticipation of a laugh or a dismissive waving of the hand, but it never came.

He wasn't joking.

"So- like... no protection? Just letting random folks go...?"

"Let's just say that rumors about a fiery bareback redhead will spread, well, like wildfire..."

Her heart skipped a beat in her chest as he guided her back to work, her plump lips soon parting around his bulging glans once more.

"Of course...ooh, if you also entered my employ, I could always... send some more vetted, generous fellows your way..."

She didn't know whether she was lucky or unlucky, in this event. Getting close to a pimp meant she'd have an immediately larger network by which to operate, and plenty more mouths to listen to, and later beat the information out of if necessary. On the other hand, she'd end up in a position reliant on his network being worth a damn, and would have less freedom to do as she pleased.

It was a shortcut, but it would come at a cost.

"Say I did, mmmhh... are any of them of a... higher standing... so to say?" She managed to breathe, tongue once again very busy.

"Oh, most definitely... better dressed than yours truly, that's for sure..."

She mentally chided her own lack of patience but found it, even after a few moments of simply suckling on him and rolling the idea in her head, to be a preferable alternative to simply randomly sampling folks and hoping for the best. It would, in the end, save time - and time saved often translated into lives saved.

"Sign me up then..." She moaned, licking around his glans, and she could swear he bit back a shout of joy.

"Good, excellent. Come then, come here... my god, look at you..."

He helped her up, taking her delicate hands into his as she rose to a standing position, then guided her away from the more cluttered part of the alley, Natasha ending up standing with her back against him and his hands roaming her.

"Mmmhhh... let's give the merchandise a try, then..."

She felt a trickle of her own excitement run down her inner thigh, and sighed, closing her eyes and leaning back against his chest as his calloused hands grabbed a hefty amount of breast each. All part of the job, this was. All part of the mission.

"You're going to make so much cash, girl... just... just bend over here, I'll give you some pointers..."

She was almost painfully apathetic towards the money, but there was something with the whole situation that, perhaps on some level, she did not hate. Her hands were a little shaky as she grabbed the ridge of a nearby trashcan, booted feet planted wide so as to ease his access, and felt her heart beat with increasing ferocity in her chest. She told herself she wasn't excited, but as his hands came up to caress her hips, she had to swallow, hard, and shake her head to get her faculties under control.

"Mmhh, right, step one... the fellas I'll send already know, but they'll always ask anyway. So, let me fill in the role this time."

He cleared his throat, Natasha's breath caught in her chest as she felt his glans brush against her opening.

"Mmmhh... no condom? Are you sure?"

A brief moment of silence followed, and she almost jumped as he cleared his throat again.

"A-ah! Y-yes. Just... do me raw." She managed to stutter out, brain scrambling to remember whether she took her pill this morning or not, and then, suddenly, he was entering her. Her own excitement at the prospect was drowned out by the groan that rolled off his lips, the log she'd nursed for the past minutes feeling as hard as iron as it mercilessly stretched her insides and his hands vise-like in their grip on her hips.

"O-ohh fuck- oh... we'll go to... oh shit, step four here immediately, I think..."


"Your own damn fault, with your tongue..." He grunted out through grit teeth, and as Natasha opened her mouth to answer found her lips simply frozen in position as he, with little warning, pulled out almost entirely before, with purpose, thrusting inside once again - a low whimper escaping her instead of words.

"Ahhh this... perfect fucking ass, god! Shit! Down to the root we go- Aahh... Just... ah fuck, just..."

He was notably rough, a frustration fueled by the teasing, loving treatment she'd given him mere moments ago, and Natasha was, to her own surprise, all the happier for it - and more importantly, feeling her own climax rapidly approaching in response to it all.

"F-four... step four, they'll want you to repeat back to them... what they say to you... acknowledging them, so- oh... to speak..."

"I-... I see..."

"Ah fuck- we're... oh- just- ah fuck..."

His thrusts became increasingly erratic in their rough, merciless pace, and Natasha felt herself going lightheaded in response. The old man reached forward, his calloused left hand sliding down her shapely thigh, giving it a good squeeze, as the other came around her front, grabbing with reverence and frustration both at her right breast, not nearly capable of covering it all. His breath tickled her neck, the stubble from his slightly unshaven face brushing against her shoulder as he leaned as close to her ear as he could.

She could feel him swell inside of her, lubricants leaking profusely from his engorged head as it prepared to fulfill its purpose, with her breath hitching once more at the implication. Natasha's eyes closed, hard, as she felt herself constrict around him in turn - pleasure washing over her as her climax began hitting her in earnest.

It was at this singular moment in time, shorter than a second, longer than an eternity, where she stood on the brink of being creampied by a random stranger in an alley, that the old man's lips parted. With breathy reverence, as the first jet of seed hit her insides, he whispered:

"Hail Hydra..."


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EDIT (sound, small file size, sony vegas editing)
RAW (no sound, large file size, raw render)


Monday loop featuring the ever lovely Black Widow! Barring some minor clipping I'm pretty happy with how this one turned out, and you can thank MEGA for the small novel above owing to how incredibly slow on the upload it was today. Hope you enjoy it folks!

Thank you, as always, for your continued support and for all of your kind words! I sincerely hope you're doing well out there, all things considered. Hell of a world we live in sometimes.

Thus, it is important that you take care of yourselves, and each other!




Yeeeesssss, Nat’s gonna love her assignment even more after this! >:3 I hope she’ll like what’s in store for her, cause there’s a lot to go through!


Hell yeah! Thank you so much! Love the tits and everything else! But especially the tits of course :P


I love Scarlet Widow! ❤️‍🔥​😍​​She is my favorite model from now on. Very good introduction by the way. I can't wait to see how her story continues in the alley with the other girls, a great character who has a lot to contribute.❤️​❤️​❤️​❤️​❤️​


very good natasha model


Just magnificent : thanks a lot, DH !