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"Didn't expect to see you two on Omega of all places... you on your best behavior?"

"Out on bail, Commander. Just waiting for the wheels of justice to turn..."

"Yeap, nothing like getting a drink while awaiting judgement day..."

They all gave each other a look, the two men in particular shooting a glance the other's way, as though a silent agreement was reached between them. Shepard's attire left little to the imagination, with a sorry excuse for a mini-skirt easily showing the upper hem of her stockings and her top putting up a valiant fight to contain her heaving bosom. She eyed them in turn, shifting effortlessly on heels so high they would have broken the ankles of anyone of average physical condition - instead, the muscles on her thick thighs and calves showed the briefest of strain before relaxing back into position.

"... care for a drink, Commander?"

She looked at them both, head leaning just slightly to one side as they did their best to look as innocent as possible. Slowly, a smile curved her lips as she, almost ceremoniously, arched her back in order to plant her considerable behind on a nearby bar stool.

"... do you boys like Ryncol?"


Angle 1:

Angle 2:

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EDIT (Sound, small file size, sony vegas edited)
RAW (No sound, large file size, raw render)


Monday loop featuring the ever mighty Commander Shepard. Drink responsibly, folks :)

Thank you, as always, for your continued support and for all of your kind words. Had a rough few weeks lately, so it's always heartening to come back here and read your comments and your enthusiasm for what I do. Whether you're a vocal supporter or not, know that I appreciate you and wouldn't be able to do this without your support.

Take care of yourselves, and each other!




Always happy to see more of Femshep, thank you. The model is fantastic. Hoping to see more of her soon, especially the enhanced variety... :eyes: Fcking Harkin, of all people, though...


well thats one way get reliable information 😁


hell yeah, more Mass Effect loops please!


Interesting lighting effects, gorgeous bosom animation and inspired view angles as usual (OOB3 and OOB7 being my favourites). Thank you once again, DH !


I hope all the short films have the moment of ejaculation.