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"It is most important, especially with your pale skin you need a very high factor to ward off even most basic sunlight."

"Putain! I assure you doctor, I vill be just fine. Worry more about ze carnal display over yonder, I don't zee any protection on zhat thing."

"Alter! The risks! What are they thinking?!"

Widowmaker visibly relaxed as the doctor sprinted off, or moved as well as one could in high heels on a sandy beach, before letting her eyes drift over to the scene in question. Zarya straddled the minotaur's member like it was a seating arrangement, her back arched as the woman's muscular form worked to get it inside as best as she could - D.Va's frantic gestures to help guide the grand prize home somewhat reminiscent to that of aircraft marshalling. Mercy's arrival made the party jump in surprise, prompting the struggle to suddenly cease by the engorged log, miraculously, sliding inside, Zarya moaning in a mixture of surprise and delight as her buttocks made contact with his sack, the doctor's shocked gasp barely heard over the minotaur's rumbling approval.

"Just another day at the beach." Pharah sighed, and Widowmaker could only nod in agreement.


We've suffered something of an Overwatch drought lately, so since there's no animation release this Monday with the Scenario underway, I figured it was high time to at least get a wallpaper sorted. The sun's damn warm up here, so I think I was just guided into this place by subconscious impulses to complain about the heat. Regardless, I hope you enjoy it :)

Thank you, as always, for your continued support and for all of your kind words. Both Tifa and Samara's Scenarios are underway with some hope still that Tifa's will see a release sometime this week. May the planets align, and hope you are doing well out there folks, all things considered.

Take care of yourselves, and each other!




Damn, now i want a full scene of this


Zarya getting dicked is always so rare, but appreciated when you find some