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The next update will bring Nexus' main quest line. Similar to Helga, you can unlock romance options with him after his quest. The modeling job can be unlocked from Nexus after his quest as well. (Attached image is a preview of the modeling job.)

There will be at least three new scenes. Two are unlocked during the main quest and the other involves romancing Nexus. There's four images with different outfits and poses for the modeling job. Those aren't full scenes but the outfits are quite skimpy.

I've been adding various new stat gaining options. There will be the minor exp gains you get from working jobs, which has been increased. You will be able to spend battery points for a larger exp gain. Then there is the option to buy stat increases. Charisma and Intelligence will have that option similar to how the other stats already do via the gym.

What good are stats without a use? That's where the new Bounty Board side-quests come in. All of the new ones will have a stat requirement. The requirements are at 3 and 7 of the relevant stat. One of each is chosen randomly per day (one 3 and one 7). Completing them will reward credits based on the stat used. The higher the stat, the more credits gained.

The Hotel is getting some new features, mostly related to stat gaining as mentioned above. I might be able to add the option to change outfits. That requires a lot of editing and will likely be limited to the MC's display image only for now. The other character customization options will be soon but not in this release.

Aside from that is a long list, though getting much shorter now, of the remaining missing features. I plan on adding those slowly alongside monthly main quest updates like I have been doing. Anyways, thank you as always!



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