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The difference isn’t too large, but the small project option is the winner.

I’ve narrowed down the setting and story to three options then finally decided on one. Not going to give up much on that at the moment other than it will be a sci-fi setting with no magic this time.

The attached picture is a very early preview of the main character. Second image is contrast boosted due to no proper lighting in original. There’s a long list of things left to do regarding her: hair color, makeup, body proportions, outfit, etc. Feel free to give me suggestions, especially on hair color.

The MC will not be customizable in early development. There may be no customization for the MC at all if things line up that way with resuming SC development. There may be only outfits (similar to CM). Customization will be the very last thing on the list, meaning it might happen but don’t expect it to.

Not going to add any companions or the like. There will be some factions for you to ally or war against, though. Adult scenes are going to take some time to render on this Mac, hence the lack of customization for now.

Still on the fence about combat. One idea is to give you two options to clear objectives, one being combat and the other puzzle solving. Something like I had been doing with SC in the past few releases. The puzzles won’t require using much of your brain, don’t worry. Have scenes be rewards for completing objectives (regardless of method) is one idea. If I do decide on a combat system, I’m going to try and go for something like CM’s hearts + DnD mix.

I briefly looked at both Renpy and HTML/Twine as well as some others. Haven’t decided on one yet. Definitely going to stick with the visual novel style. That should make monthly updates viable plus make it easy to wrap things up when I can finally return to SC.

Anyways, I don’t know if there will be a first/early version posted this month (January). I should be able to confirm or deny that in the regular news post later this month. As always, I’m not going to rush things, but I also don’t really want to go another month with posting nothing at all. I guess we’ll see what happens. Thanks for bearing with me during all of this.



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