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My house caught fire Saturday. No one is injured thankfully. They believe it was caused by a faulty outlet. About half of the house is completely destroyed. The other half is heavily water damaged. There’s no ceiling at all anywhere in the house. Portions of the roof are gone. The fire spread through the attic.

I’m writing this from a hotel on my laptop. Don’t know if my PC still works. I took everything salvageable to storage including the PC. Currently looking for a place to stay until the house is rebuilt, which could take up to a year.

As for SC, well I don’t know if there will be an update this month. Probably not. Even if the PC still works and I find.a place to live, my mind is just not in the right place to work on the game at the moment. I’m going to leave Patreon running. Cancel your donations before the end of the month if there is no update.

I’m not abandoning the game. Just give me some time to recover. I know some developers do some shady stuff that this might remind you of. I’m just leaving Patreon running in case anyone wants to help, but I’m not asking for help. Cancel your donations until I can post a new version. I’ll try to post updates on the situation when I can.

Alright, I’m going to sleep for the first time in 3 days. Thank you for all of your support. I’ll see you again soon once things get better.


Tyler Petty

It's sad to hear what had happened this was never supposed to happen never lose hope never sumcobe to despair push forward to see tomorrow


Thank you for all the kind words. Going to look for a place to rent instead of a hotel today. I'll post updates when I can.