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Hey guys!

I'm back from a short rest and ready to pick up work where I left it. But I must say, I really needed these few days. 

Okay, first I like to start with something that made me thinking a lot lately. Last month I got a few comments about some observations. I don't think of them as ill intended, but instead more like constructive criticisms, that some points I must agree with, and I was thinking very long how to solve some of the mentioned issues.

One of these was that I overpromise content for the month. I think I could mostly keep what I promised, but I must agree it happened multiple times, because I underestimated the time some comics would take to make or some unforseen things slowed progress that would delay things. Or just my bad time management. So, I will try to give a more realistic predictions from now, and rather say less.

So, for this month, my first project will be to finish the Game Night's fourth round during next week.

Right after that, the idea dump will be launched for the $5 and $10 backers to determine the possible penalties for the Game Night's fifth round, and right after that the voting will begin to select the 5 penalties.

And finally, I will end the month with the next update for "A Fair Trade" I'm not sure if I can finish the whole thing at once, but I will do my best.

The next valid question that I get is, when will the ending of "One hell of an initiation test!" be out? Well, i'm not sure. It's still coming, but during work I ran into some bug that often crashed Daz Studio. I think it was related to one or more character morphs combination that I used for the donkey girl. I'm still figuring out the cause, but as I moved on to work on other things, it's hard find the time to go back to it with full attention. But it will be out, I promise.

Okay, now move on the bigger issues. It's sadly true that at this point everything what I do turned into a series and there are too long gaps between some of these series. And you can believe me, I hate it the most that these are true. 

As I was thinking about this, I come to the conclusion that the following things are the reasons for this.

First, I make things way too long nowadays. I remember the time when I could do a full comic in much less than a 100 pages and upload them in one go. They were much simpler, not much character related things happening. Just short and thight focusing on the essentials. I believed that giving more attention to the characters was a good thing, a natural evolution of my comics, making things more fleshed out with more dialogues between characters. But now i'm not sure if it's not a dead end and I should just go back to the basics. I don't know, what do you think? You like the longer, more character focused comics better? Or less?

My second issue is that I stretched myself way too thin. I think the 3 longer project at once is too much and this begin when I started "Carnival of Nightmares". It throw my work schedule completely off balance. So I have that, the Game Night, and a backer short comic in the work all the time. I have planned some other things as well, but I can't squeeze them in at the moment. So I feel like the three things are in a constant struggle with each other for dominance, and I try to balance them out equally, because I know all of them have their fans, but not everyone likes them the same. Some of you like them all, others just two, or a single one. So I try to give eveyrone something each month, but here's the problem. They are shorter updates from comics that become longer. So this is my dilemma.

One solution would be to finish one in the near future. Carnival of Nightmares is probably the best candidate since its ending is already written. But i'm afreaid that after that I just start a new comic and i'm where I started, but I just love making new comics, explorirng new ideas, and you can believe me, I have a lot of ideas, just not enough time... sigh

The second option is something that some of you guys suggested, and it would make also some sense. The idea is to dedicate a month to just a single comic giving my full attention to that. My problem with this, is that those are waiting for a specific update, they could wait for two months. And not to mention that i'm already in some serious delay with the backer comics. I can't afford to delay them any further.

So this is where i'm standing now. Sorry for making this so long. It also does not help that i'm not the best in communicating. I intend to change that as well for this year, posting more often if a delay is in sight. But for all those who sticked to the end of this, what do you think? Any useful ideas? Should I change things? Leave them as they are? I'm always open to constructive discussions and criticisms. 



Hm my friend, i knew the problems you've talked very well. I use my experiences and combine them with your text, also I show you my plans in the end of the text passage of each. Maybe they can give you a helping hand Sitri. - Promising text When I write a text to the community about a new projects I see it as PreView, many people see it as promise. I want to talk what I see in my mind or my notices for the upcoming project and as creative person one idea bears 5 new ideas which could be added. So the text gets larger and larger and is taken as Promise. Over time, when I concentrate on the work, which needs weeks or month, some ideas faded which was marked in the text, some new come in. That is why I use the word "PreView" that often and not "promise"...I do not know what really take place when I let the creativity flow while I am working on the projects^^ - Long Comics Yes, I have the same problem. I remember times where an TF Comics had 3-5 pages and everyone was happy, including the artist. My first animations had 20 640x480 pictures for 3 seconds of animation...very simple in the late 90s^^. My first comics under 10 pages^^ Now every projects counts far more then 100 pages, Eve over 230 right now. And somehow I do not understand it to create new animations...but the tools are there (which makes me sad) That is why I set for myself a new rule. I run three active projects. One is huge (max 200 pages), one is normal (up to 50 pages) and the third should be small (not more then 30 pages). When Eve and DNA-ReWritten are closed this system will take place. For The Addiction of Bimbohood this plan already is active. - Creativity breaks Working as an Artist takes far more strength and energy as people can imagine. After a working day (between 12-15 hours) I am drained out. Of course are there others things I have to do, but my Main Job is being an Artist here on Patreon. Now after 1 1/2 years back on Patreon I see that the constant creative work is not possible. So I plan to take more breaks as I did in the last years - to recharge my creativity and continue the working flow when everything is fine. Maybe this would be an option for you. We are Artists and the community always hungers for new content. But we are just human and no matter how much the community want to see - we have limits. When those limits are reached...well. So take a break when you feel that a project take to much time or effort. There is absolute no problem in doing so.


I honestly liked the shorter comics that had less story and more transformations. The Office Bimbo is 137 pages and is a great example of your work at its best. Keep it up!


I vote fo the shorter cómics too, after class wishes was one the best stories on 77 pages i ever see, i still wait for the second part with the transformation of the daughter :(, valentines chocolate, the swap gun, my favourites.

Nathan Chapman

Hi Sitri I also prefer the shorter comics. The valentines special/the curse etc. but don’t mind the odd longer one. I’d also prefer a longer wait if it meant a full comics rather than an update of 30 or so pages 3 times a month. Your work is some of the best out there!


Shorter for sure 😅


Hey Sitri, thanks for your update. Maybe it can help you to switch to a different strategy. For example: - 1st main comic (Bigger series with a lot of content, e.g. Game Night) - 2nd Comic (Smaller, shorter comic, e.g Backer) - 3rd Special/Seasonal Comic (Christmas, Personal Goldie,…). - Each Comic will be replaced by a comic of the same „type“ (single, series, short, long,…). Just an idea which may can inspire or help. Nevertheless, i am curious about cool updates in 2023 :) Just do it the way you feel the best with.

Mr. Phoenyxx

I think it's good that you are being honest with yourself about how much work you can produce. It's easy as an artist to want to do 100 things at once. We have so many ideas flying through our heads. But you can almost never do them all. Just be honest with yourself about how much work you can actually do. Reading the comments here, it seems pretty split between the fans that like longer and shorter stories. I experience the same thing, which is why I try to do a mix of longer and shorter stories. I try to give everyone something to enjoy. It's the same reason I grow models larger and then not-so-much sometimes. :)

Lilith Wild

I like the longer comics but then sometimes the shorter ones are nice too. It's simple, I'm sure you have thought about it, but if you are burnt out or short on time grab an idea and do a short comic real quick, just 5-10 pages. One of my absolute favorites you have done is the Black Lipstick short comic. Short sweet and to the point. But then some of the longer ones are nice too. Like the Halloween special you did a while ago with the kid who turns into a witch and her sister and sisters friend who turns into a bimbo and a cat girl. I also I like the Carnival of Nightmares one and many others I can't remember the names of right now. I also like the idea of doing a month to a comic, if you don't feel frustrated and burnt out only working on one project for that long. Even if it's something I don't like, for me I'm not a fan of the game night series that is currently ongoing, at least so far. So I would rather that comic or round of that comic gets done in a month and move on to something hopefully I will enjoy. I am only subscribed for a dollar so I don't mind giving a dollar when there's so much more other things I enjoy you have already made and will make in the future. Possibly you work on a full comic or round of a comic for a month but maybe once or twice you release one of those small shorts for people who may not be enjoying the big project you are currently working on so at least they possibly get something as well?


Sitri, I love all your comics! The main concept that drew me to you in the first place was your pick your poison series. The interaction of all your supporters getting to choose a change for your ladies transformations. When you set a number of stages the lady went through, reached the final stage, and finished with an epilogue. Those stories are great! I also like the slow character building that you're doing with your main character and her daughters! I'd imagine for help with your dilemma, in the future maybe stick to 1or 2 person transformations instead of more women. I suggest do what you do best and ask everyone with your voting polls. Which comic does everyone want you to continue for the month? Have your fan base help with creative ideas. Perhaps make your story choosing polls public, that way your potential supporters can see what you may be working on for the month and join to support you. If you have many ideas, write them down and make them with your future comics! I love that you do the interactive audience decisions! If you're set on multi-tasking multiple stories at once, go for it, just do what you can handle and don't burn yourself out. If you want to focus on a main story, knock it out and let's see it get done! Whatever you decide to do, I'll standby and support you.


Hi, this is why I rather pay for a finished work than wait 2 years for a result. But this is not your style and if you force yourself in this direction, it may limit your creativity. So please, just lower our expectations of what we may get each month and it'll be fine ;)