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Hey guys!

It has been some time since my last update, and sadly this might be a little letdown for some of you since it's not the full comic. I seriously underestimated the time these two April project would take to complete, so I decided to divide this comic into 2 or 3 parts so I can upload something more frequently. This comic alone will be over 100 pages long when it's ready, and the other one... I don't know yet. But I hope it's a good enough teaser for what's to come. 

Can you guess what will happen next?

This comic is based on the idea of  Mike Smith Thank  you so much for your constant support, I really hope you and everyone  will enjoy the first part of this comic. And please forgive me that you must wait a little longer.




Can't wait to see how this turns out.


Im assuming they both become porn stars might both be female porn stars

Bal tha mele

Seems like a normal camera to me 😉


Yeah, the Camera Infernum is nothing special... where it came from. wink ;)


I think they will turn back to how they were 20 years ago, but after that something unexpected will happen to them.

Wuthable (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-14 23:29:05 The CLIFFHANGER, making me lose my mind! Love it. I honestly hope that this series will be more on the sequential type, where they'll go through different transformations. Like getting younger first, getting hotter, Margaret possibly getting more assertive and getting into the dom role, while Frank turning into quite the submissive lady >.> ...let's not diverge from what you had in mind though. Love it
2021-04-20 15:24:51 The CLIFFHANGER, making me lose my mind! Love it. I honestly hope that this series will be more on the sequential type, where they'll go through different transformations. Like getting younger first, getting hotter, Margaret possibly getting more assertive and getting into the dom role, while Frank turning into quite the submissive lady >.> ...let's not diverge from what you had in mind though. Love it

The CLIFFHANGER, making me lose my mind! Love it. I honestly hope that this series will be more on the sequential type, where they'll go through different transformations. Like getting younger first, getting hotter, Margaret possibly getting more assertive and getting into the dom role, while Frank turning into quite the submissive lady >.> ...let's not diverge from what you had in mind though. Love it


Thank you, I'm glad you liked it so far. I think you will find the rest of the story enjoyable as well :)

кирилл боб

Bro, it's already Monday. I look forward to continuing


There will be an update today, but sadly not for this one. I was working on two big comics for this month and I have that one's first part up in the afternoon.