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Hey again!

I almost forgot to mention one more important thing. Since i'm putting out content for over a year now, I realized that a lot of things have piled up. So many in fact that it's becoming really hard to navigate among them if somebody is looking for something specific.

So I began the construction of an organized content library on my google drive. I will update it frequently with finished content, at the beginning or at the end of the month with a link to access it. 

But here is my dilemma. You think it's a good idea? I mean, if somebody saves the link, they can access it any time, even after they ended theire pledge. Can this be avoided?

Please let me know.



You could share a new link every month with a set expiration date for the end of the month




Hmmm I'm not sure on this from the people saving it perspective, I think it's an amazing idea because I love rereading your older work as well, you could always ask tseudonimm/Kara because they are using mega now


I think, with Google drive, you can control who has access using their email addresses. They'd have to have a Google address though and you'd have to keep track of unsubscribers to remove their access. It would be better than nothing if there's not better alternative.

Some Guy

Another creator I support has a catigory with only one post that contains the download link for all his series. Whenever he finishes one he updates the post to include the new one. This way, only his patrons can access it but it is all in one place easy to find.

Mr. Phoenyxx

I am struggling with more or less the same thing right now. What I've decided to do is use DropBox and organize the archives based on tiers. DropBox enables me to password protect these archives. The password will be changed regularly, and only posted to Patrons.

Mr. Phoenyxx

This would take a lot of effort. You not only have to monitor those who left, but every new patron that joins or changes tier. In my opinion, this is not a manageable solution.


There is a solution even if it's a little cumbersome. You put all of your file into a folder, named for example folder1. You share the link for that folder. Then the first of the month you create a folder called folder2, you move everything to that folder and delete folder1. You can then share the link for folder2, or even rename it to folder1, the link will still be different.


One of the Patrons I follow has all their stuff in DropBox. They change the password every month, then on the 2nd or 3rd they send the new password to their current subscribers.


Yeah the dropbox password way is a little less cumbersome. I have also seen that on a few Patreons.

Edgar Díaz

A patron that i follow uses mega and change the access link monthly


Hey! This would be a pretty good idea, but as far as I can tell, I need to manually add everyone individually who can watch the library this way. In my case that would be over 800 people. Or did I missed something?


Hey Sitri! I tried a few things and unfortunately you are right, public links cannot expire (and if you deactivated and reactivate it, it comes back with the same link), meaning that you would have to manage access on an individual level, which obviously isn't feasable. Sorry about that!

Mr. Phoenyxx

I believe you do, yes. I'm not 100%. There might be a free version. I pay because I have more than 1 GB of stuff on there.