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Hey y'all , thank you so much for participating. Definitely would appreciate it if you can rate your experience with this method



Oh shoot didn't realize you had one sorry I missed the post


This method is good so long as people see these posts in less than 24 hours. Otherwise they miss out completely. Also the images on discord are not of the same quality as the ones posted here. I don't know if that can be changed or not, but that aside I think this is a very effective method in combating the piracy.


it should be of the same, quality, when you click on the image, there's a tab call show original. that file should be of the original size.


Yeah I didn’t see a link in the post yesterday

Xavier Illa

Maybe 24 hours is too short. If it were, just 48, two days, it would be a bit more comfortable for patrons who are busy or are in a timezone that makes it inconvenient to access in such short notice


Ah bummer... Looks like I missed this one. Whelp that's what I get for not being more aware.

