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Sir Sanguine

Adam's bad karma just keeps on stacking up, if the new episode is any indication.

Brandon Ito

Rub a dub dub.... Need Weiss in the tub...


Beautiful and deep. Shows her strength and how she is always reminded of the past. Breathtaking masterpiece my friend.

Erika Lee

*sigh* if only there wasnt steam in the way... ah well, very nice work as usual!!

David Edwards

Something that only comes to mind when seeing images like this: "How much of the artificial limb is waterproof?" Ye, I know I think of weird things when I should be concentrating on the obvious part of the image (the naked beauty in this case)


thats perfect tho , cause it tells me that I succeeded in providing more than just eye candy


One would think the whole arm is water proof, perhaps this is just a preference matter or she hasn't accepted the prosthetic as part of her body yet. Its good eye candy, its Yang after all, but also thought provoking.