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This grim was unlike any other she’d seen before. It didn’t take on any familiar shape, instead appearing as a large constantly shifting mask that looks like a moving mountain of mud. In front of this mass is what appears the grimm’s face, consisting of two hollowed out eyes and a mouth that was nearly as wide as car. What’s even more creepy was that it had large almost human-like teeth that protrude out around the mouth, forming a large mad-like grin at what ever its looking at, and right now, its focus seems to be on her. None of her attack had work so far. Though the Grimm was slow, even staying still at times, most of her attack would only be absorb into the muddy body, apart from the elemental charge from the dust capsule Weiss handed to her. She set up for another charge, but as she was about to move, something started appearing from the Grimm’s side. The small mass slowly protrudes out and dropped on the rocky surface of the mountain, from it , a figure slowly appears. Ruby’s eyes rounded in shock as the figure slowly takes the form of a human, who seems to be holding something. Then she recognized it, the face, the hair, the cross the side of its head and the large blade on the end of the pole it was holding.


Suddenly the figure charged towards her at a speed that match her own. Barely regained her focused, she dodged back, inches away where from the mimic Crescent Rose blade planted into the ground. Now only an arm-length from the figure, Ruby realized just how much the mimic looked like her. At that moment, its head twisted to the side like an owl, and it flashes a grin like that of the Grimm towards her:


This was way too out of hand for Ruby, and she knows it too. As soon as the figure finished ‘talking’ to her, she dashed in the opposite direction and began her retreat. Raising her hand against her ear, she contacted Weiss to inform her of the situation:

‘Ruby , did you find anything  about the new creature ?’

‘Weiss, I don’t know what it is but this Grimm is bad news, we need to regroup and start looki….’


Ruby was held back mid-flight. The inertia causes her hair to swoop forward and her entire upper body wanting to crash down against the ground. But it didn’t. She was just still in the air. Time came to a stand still. Her head turns, her eyes widen in horror in the face of what stopped her. The Grimm, which was standing still just a moments ago, had caught up to her, in its jaw, nearly her entire legs. The pearly whites of the grimm now splattered by red as it slowly crush the limbs in its mouth, spitting blood and chunks of flesh and bones. And watching it inches away was the former owner of those limbs. 

Ruby didn’t make a sound as she watches her legs break and consumed. She was too shock to even think. But a few second passed and the pain kicked in. Tears started streaming like waterfall along the side of her face as she let out a painful scream: 


On the other side of the coms, Weiss quickly responds:


But Ruby didn’t hear her, she was too busy searching for a way to stop the pain. And so the experienced huntress drops all the wisdoms that she has gained from her hunting career and began punching the teeth that was holding her, occasionally pushing against it in a desperate attempt to escape. She was crying like a mad woman, her tears mixed with the blood that splatted against her face and her voice was a mixture of grunts and screams. The teeth started to chom down again to begins its chewing process, grinding whats already in its mount to a fleshy pulp, all the while slowly inches forward to consume the rest. 

Before that could happen however, Ruby managed all her strength into one last push separated herself from the teeth, falling down against the rocky grounds. She was a her limit, as the pain is near to a stage of making her pass out. Curls in a bloody pool on the ground, she took a look at her lower half. The legs were gone up to the upper thighs, leaving only dangling chunks of meat and skin, as well as the exposed bones protruding out. The arteries are seemingly hard at work spitting as much blood as possible from the bite. It was like she was wearing her old cape again, but now, its her own blood. 

“RUBY, YANG IS COMING, HANG ON, PLEASE, *sniff* PLEASE RESPOND *sniff*…. No …..please…..I… I…”

Weiss. Maybe this will be the last time she hear her voice. She’ll miss her for sure. From their first meeting in Beacon through the Salem crisis and the adventures them have had till now working in the SRED, they have always been like the dynamic duo, sometimes butting heads but always count on each other through best and worst. She’ll most definitely miss that grumpy and flustered look everytime she tease the hat and her height for sure. But what she’ll probably miss most is just watching her work and dedicated herself to her job so passionately. 

Yang. She only got to meet her sister face to face again after a couple of years. They even hadn’t had a proper night out yet. She yearns for her sister’s warmth, like when they were kid, hoping it will some how take away all the pain. She’ll miss all the terrible jokes, and all lesson and care that she had given her as sister, a mother and a huntress. But, who’s going to keep Yang in check now if she’s gone. Who will do the cooking and cleaning, going shopping and picking up the mail. What about dad,… he’s getting old soon, when Yang is busy , who’s taking care of him. Blake, Jaune, Nora, Ren,... she’ll never meet them again. 

The tears streamed down along her cheeks now, not because of the pain, but because of the regret that she’ll not get to be around anymore. 

Soon, her strength give way, her visions blurred. Talking to coms, she managed the fainted of sound..



“ I… I’ll …. M i…s….s…..”

“NO !... , GOD zzzz , PLEASE, RUBY …. You can’t…. buzzzz I’m nearly there zzzzz”

She didn’t have any strength left to finish her sentence as she finally slip into unconsciousness. The last thing she saw, a bright yellow light flashing before her. 


Zahlen 0

... I'll be that asshole: typo in the beginning. But interesting. I'd like to see this come to life at one point in an animation (hopefully someone does it)


Holy fuck. Well done my friend. Well done.

Tariel Sky

..... why do you do this to me?


Oh god the feels... and my imagination now has graphic images stuck inside! Well done. Well done. Now I'm gonna go sob in a corner thanks.


Initially, I just followed the artwork being released in the 3.0 line without really paying attention to a deeper story behind it. Now that I've read this..... Oh my God.... Every piece holds so much more weight.