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I added 14 new pages. It's a lot of build up and a couple pages are more or less fillers. I'll try to get the next batch out way quicker. The school stuff is mostly done for now and we're really close to getting to the juicy part. I still didn't decide on a final title but that's nothing I really have to rush till release, I guess. I tried to make their transition into a friendship/relationship as organic as possible, or at least tried my best. :D
I didn't just want to skip right into the action. It took a couple pages but it's mostly set up now.  Like I wrote earlier I'm going to work this weekend. I'm definitely trying my hardest to get the next batch out before Christmas.

As always enjoy and let me know what you think.

Have a great weekend and as always, stay safe! ❤️




Thanks for the update! It came out being great! Take care as well!

Bruce W. Liu

Feels like a good set up.


love the story so far


Different of what I usually do with way more build up and focus on characters but I'll do my best to make it pay off. ;)