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Did anyone else catch in the Sky-news report the FUD that the electric from this Tesla energy station is low quality? What constitutes coal as high quality electricity? Also, I worked at a small engine repair shop in my early 20’s. When our local government switched us to E-85 gas, the ethanol reacted with something in the fuel lines on the lawnmowers we sold. The fuel lines would swell up and burst dumping the tank of fuel on the floor. I had to work with the mower manufacturers to resolve the issue. I was asked to ship a sample of our fuel to them. Gasoline can’t be shipped! Have you tried to board a plane with gasoline or tried to ship it via UPS or FedEx?


Thanks gentlemen. You absolutely rock! Lotsa love to all ❤️❤️❤️ PS I'm putting my money on vandalism for the megapack fire.