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'Private Jet? You could have taken the train!' That is true for me. But I don't travel with a private security team. If I am Elon Musk and I take the train, I have to increase the number of body guards I have around me to maintain the same level of protection. If I take the train my fellow passengers may be less than pleased when my bodyguards pat them down before letting them into the same coach I'm in or body slam them to the floor if they make any sudden movements around me. If I take the train it may be the last one I ever take as an assassination is easier when the targets schedule is public information. It might also be the last train trip for anyone or everyone who is near me when an attack happens. If I take the train I can't collaborate with my chief engineer beside me as we try to work through today's incredibly important problem. If I take the train I can't catch up on my sleep, getting in a half hour nap to reach that important 4 hours of sleep per 24 hour period. If I am me and I take the train... If I take the train I can enjoy the freedom of my status as a nobody. If I take the train I can waste the hours of the journey staring out the window with my brain set in lower power mode. If I take the train I can be happy in the knowledge that my carbon footprint is less (probably) than if I had flown. If take the train I have time to read about the many ways that Elon Musk is driving the changes that are dramatically changing the world for the better and reducing the carbon footprints for the whole of humanity.


I have so many friends that hate Elon, it's virtually impossible to change their minds. They used to just shoot people like Elon, but now they use the media to ruin them. But Elon just keeps going, making the best products known to man, and actions speak louder than words. That's why no matter what the media, government, bankers, CEOs do, they will not stop us, because we're physically experiencing the truth in the real world.