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LINK: https://strawpoll.com/p44wcbbp7

I want to thank all the people that choose to submit paint jobs for this months competition. They all turned out very nice. I never get tired of seeing the unique take on each miniature. Even one thats 6 months old, people come up with something thats entirely different from anyone elses. I hope I always see this type of participation!

Anyways, lets vote on a winner, everyone. These people put a lot of time and effort into them!

Thanks again!

Link to image as well:  https://i.imgur.com/ag7wXbB.jpg




Its very hard to see the induvidual pictures, might be cus im on a phone🙄


You should be able to click the image and zoom in to take a closer look :)


If you remove the basing it changes the contest quite a bit. I feel like the pretty base on many of the contests I see end up carrying the mini (even if its 10/10 it becomes 11/10 haha) Hard decision ahead!