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Hello everyone! I would just like to take this opportunity to tell you how grateful I am for your unwavering support. It has helped me a lot through my journey for making art. But like everybody else, there is a reality we content creators also have to face.

I have been warned by the Patreon Team that some of my works violate their Community Guidelines and they might suspend my account if I do not make the necessary changes. My guess is because they have judged my content as "sexualizing minors". I don't blame them because my drawings do tend to be somewhat kind of in the "Loli" style.

To abide by these rules here are the steps I will be taking:

Step # 1 - I will be clearing all suspected violation previous posts

Step # 2 - I will be modify the way to post pictures, if you want to see my complete picture, you can go to my DeviantArt, Twitter or Blog.

I hope you would continue to support me despite these changes. I will still be continuing with the Rewards and onwards and these would still be available on Patreon. This minor setback won't stop me in making my artworks. So please, have fun and enjoy my upcoming works!



目前 Patreon 團隊已經警告我,我的某些作品違反了其社區準則,如果我不做任何的修改, Patreon
會取消我的帳號。我猜測 Patreon 團隊認為我的內容有「未成年的性暗示」。我不會譴責不同的價值觀,因為我的日系風格確實有點「Loli」風格。


1 - 我將清除之前所有疑似違規的文章。

2 - 我將調整圖片的發佈方式,如果想看我的完整圖片,可以到我的 DeviantArt,Twitter 或 Blog。

儘管有以上這些變化,我希望大家還是能繼續支持我。我還是會繼續發送每月獎勵並繼續進行創作,這些作品也將繼續分享給我的 Patreon 贊助者。這次的挫折並不會阻止我繼續創作屬於我的作品。所以,請盡情享受我之後所分享的作品吧!





我會盡量以 Patreon 能接受的情形為主,內容能維持當然是維持,但是這決定權不是在我們,我們對此深表遺憾。


你想过加开Fanbox或者Subscribe Star吗?Patreon对R18画师最近打的挺严的。


你好 Schn,Fanbox 我們有喔 ^^ 只是它的交易方式沒有信用卡讓一部分的人感到不便,而 Subscribe Star 不支援 PayPal 所以整體來看目前還沒有能取代 Patreon 的對手可能是個不爭的事實,期許這樣的對手以後能出現。