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The posts @TheSims made on Twitter & Instagram to celebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year with Hanbok had really harm our feelings.

I love the sims and had played the sims since I was 10.

20 years of endless love died this way.

It is not fair and sad.

Korea is stealing our culture and claiming the Chinese New Year is theirs for a very long time.

The posts @TheSims made would confuse the simmer who is not familiar with Asian culture and Chinese culture.

The Koreans would celebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year, of course, they celebrate Christmas as well, they could not claim that Christmas is theirs, could they?

I decide to quit the Sims 4 and would no longer update my mods and videos. 

Thank you for your support and love.

2022年2月1日模擬人生4官方@TheSims 在ins和推特上傳了一張以韓服為代表的賀新春海報。這件事情嚴重地傷害了我等中國玩家們的感情。




@TheSims 這樣的官方的海報會讓不熟悉亞洲文化、中國文化的玩家們誤以為中國的農曆新年是韓國的,會誤以為中國的農曆新年是整個亞洲的節日,而非源於中國的傳統節日。


@TheSims 是一個面向全球的遊戲,它的舉動是野蠻的“文化輸出”,是對別的國家的文化不尊重,是助紂為虐。







Hi. I wanted to ask you if I could adopt some of your mods?


I respect it and I appreciate your work and I hope you are well, but... are you really quitting modding and acting like this because a videogame has mistakenly post a traditional tweet incorrectly? I know your tradition is very important to you, but you have to understand that not everyone is going to be able to learn it as good as you do and know it by heart. Say thank you that at least they acknowledge your culture and want to portrait it, making it something important to tweet on their SNS. Both traditions are very similar, and it's obvious if there are some mistakes made when it comes to these things. I'll recommend you to just get over it, to be honest. And I don't say it only because of you: I already have seen comments/videos like this and they are really nerve wracking. However, I hope you keep making such good work in other areas/aspects in the future.