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Apologies for the late announcement, but if you're in the Pittsburgh area, I'll be attending Anthrocon 2022 from June 30th to July 3rd! My dealer booth is located at tables A04 and A05, right next to another comic Two Kinds (maybe you've heard of it? hehe).

In this pic, I was test setting everything for my table placement. There's also a lot of merch. Canvases, prints, stickers, bookmarks... oh, and did I mention BOOKS? After the convention, I'm still figuring out if and when I can setup an online store, or find a way to get these in your hands!

I've been dealing with loads of logistics lately and I wanted to make this post with more life details sorted out, but there have been some aggravating delays to things I was hoping to announce. For now, all I can say is that I'll be at Anthrocon... my first public debut! I promise not to hiss too much! I hope to see you there!



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