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Colors! Bukka and Vodka -as Breeders- have always been out there... watching, protecting innocents and passively helping Nova's Resistance itself from a distance, in hopes of bringing some kind of balance. It was time to show themselves up and try a closer approach, or at least a more direct help... with terrible results.

We'll see a very familiar face in the next page, besides a few sexy details about Bukka and Vodka's new Breeder-style life :D

On a side note, there'll be a new pinup coming tomorrow. Wolf girl!



BossMajor 345

Damn hopefully no one get hurt but excited to see their new lives together. Also I hope this "friendly face" isn't Adam, he no friend >:(


Is the ticket key for everyone to turn into a breeder?


No worries, they won't get hurt :). Also, Breeders can regenerate wounds in a matter of minutes, as long as it's not too bad! About the "friendly face", it won't be Adam for sure haha. We'll see the horseguy's final steps in one of the next pages, getting the ending he "deserves" (in this path) along with the biggest revelation in this entire project.


I hope Vodka and Olga, reunite somewhere near the conclusion. Also I wounder about Vodka's children? Also I'm glad Bukka cares about her sons.


Good thing Bukka and Vodka are wearing cowls. Olga would be devastated.


Looks like it's pulled pork for dinner. Should be enough for everyone to dig in.


not gonna lie, bunny breeders are kinda cute X3


It kind of feels like Vodka is just playing second fiddle a lot to Bukka, which does kind of suck, as I prefer Vodka over Bukka.

Wilson Bennett

For some reason when I read the line "we were able to emerge victorious in many battles against other hives" I thought of the Zengoku Judai and how with every Japanese clan at war with each other, two clans being allies (the Tokugawa and the Oda) were able to mop up their enemies one after the other because they were reliable allies while everyone else was alone. Yeah this breeder war reminds me of this. Maybe call it the "Warring Hives Period"? Just a thought.

Julian Hartmann

Time for some sisterly love to prevail!


I mean Bukka is the queen here, while Vodka more like the Elite Commander or Advisor. Maybe we some interactions with Vodka and Olga in the soon future.

Sebastian delaBarra

Papa Xpray I want a bunneh breeder to luv and cherish plz. ALso I see Vodka and Budka went to the Jedi School of Self Disguised ... aka just through a cloak over it.


I can just picture Pure Imagination, the song that Gene Wilder sang in Willy Wonka playing as all this goes on.


Without color Bukka looked like Adrianna and I thought Vodka was one of her many daughters. I like the sneaky that you pulled there Xpray >^<


Vodka is also a Queen. She was breed by the Alpha and was told she’d be the Queen. Again this feels like once Vodka was bred she had less significance than Bukka. They are both Queens here. Also again we see Bukka’s kids, where are Vodka’s since the Queen was sure that one of them would be the end of breeders. It feels like Bukka is getting a form of preferential treatment.


I wonder if this act will go up to 100 pages


*The Only Thing They Fear Is You begins playing* Damn Bukka and Vodka look outright demonic in the cloaks! Bukka especially looks out for blood. Great stuff! The next page sounds exciting :D


We'll see Vodka's daughters soon :). They're the legitimate future Breeder Queens, after all.


Exactly! However, it looks like Olga managed to recognize them D:


Haha thanks! I'm quite fond of their long, soft ears :P


@Valeur Rickoman explained it perfectly! Vodka is not a Breeder Queen, but a "hybrid" (someone who has been corrupted by a Breeder) who was able to remain herself, acting as Bukka's advisor and her loving partner. Back in page 26 and 27 of Episode III, Adam told her she was carrying a royal egg, but not that she'd be a Queen :) To make it clear, there's only one Alpha per generation. He's the only Breeder who can make her "mate" (in this case, Vodka) produce a royal egg, which contains the future Breeder Queen. The other -non legitimate and completely forbidden- way to create a Queen is by letting the Breeder King himself (who carries royal genes in his body) corrupt another person, but he's not allowed to do that. About Vodka and her daughters... they're an important part of the story, so obviously we'll see them soon (I can't give more details because... spoilers). I'm trying to close this path giving every important character and faction a bit of what I'd call "screen time", with Vodka being next in the list and starting in the next page. Also, don't forget there'll be more -shorter- paths with a completely different ending after this one.


That's a very good thought! As someone who loves history, japanese culture and Total War: Shogun 2, I must say that's a very interesting way to see this part of Last Survivor's story :D


Bunny Breeders for Easter! Haha I thought the same while I was drawing this page. Always watching the ones they swore to protect, from the distance... remaining unseen while they wear brown cloaks. Totally Obi-Wan :P


Haha! Also, Bukka's nose was unfinished in the previous version, making her look more goat-like. That reminds me I should include Adriana somewhere, in this path or a future one :o


*Bobs head and installs Doom Eternal again* I wish I weren't so slow at drawing! I'd have filled the entire background with maaany more Breeders fighting around Bukka and Vodka to make that scene look more intense. Thank you! The next page will have a nice surprise related to a previous episode and I can't wait to draw it :D

Wilson Bennett

Thanks. Shogun 2 is the only Total War game I've managed to finish a campaign on.