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Colors! Sorry for the delay, I have been dealing with a flood in my home (caused by a storm), which ruined my work schedule yesterday D:

Looks like Adam isn't including the Breeder Queen in his "harem plans"... However, he's trying to lure Vodka to join him. What are his reasons? An even bigger Breeder legion loyal to him, countless hours of breeding or... perhaps he just wants to see the world burn?

With this, Vodka just found out Bukka didn't get back to the Resistance's base, suffering a much different fate instead (the one we already saw in the first act of this path).

New pinup, new page of "Our Big Day" and other art coming after this weekend!



Klesk Vadrigaar

Ooooh what a twist of the knife...and also just a twist in general. XD


Do any of the harem queens seem familiar like from a pin up or previous solo art from Xpray? Because i know the female wolf is not new and the griffin or bird furry which i do not think she is a griffon.


Now things are getting interesting


You can tell these aren't real queens by their willingness to share


Queen Bukka is coming back soon!

Fleur Dryke

hooboy. This certainly is going in a direction none of the characters expected.


Oh man, if Adam has that many queens, does that mean he's constantly getting more corrupted (and maybe making he queens more corrupt too)? Based on the path where Bukka and he kept going at it, maybe he really is going to end up impossibly powerful with that many queens. I can only imagine how big and pregnant they'll get too!

Xaziana Tenebris

I'd love to see that dragon character more often, especially if she gets some solo art before she's transformed into a breeder queen


Actually shes just corrupted to a breeder, able to keep her mind but shes not a queen, if that was true, Adam would be more feral than anything


So is this one going to split into another path or be a one entirely on its own where you dont get to choose to be with adam? cause imo im curious as to what adam is planning exactly


So the whole having multiple queens thing being bad thing doesn’t matter anymore?


I feel like if anyone could convince her to join it'd be the bunny~


I see Aurenn was not selected to be part of the Harem, I guess Adam isn't into futas despite her having 4 breasts.

Julian Hartmann

But will Adam really be happy with 5-6 Queens if this works out? Somehow, I think he's more ambitious. Also: Hope the flooding didn't cause anything major. (._. )


Sorry to hear about the flood, hopefully there wasn't any serious damage. This is getting better with each page, It's like Clue and all the pieces are falling in place.


I'm really interested in Vodka's reaction to seeing Bukka as a Breeder Queen! Hopefully it goes well :3 Oh and I'm sorry to hear about the flood, I hope it didn't damage very much.


I didn’t say this before, but sorry to hear about the flood.


Love those bellies ❤️❤️❤️


Oof, sorry to about the flooding, I hope your home is alright!


Ouch... I feel kinda bad for the real Breeder Queen now, being given the cold shoulder like that. She'd probably refuse to join his harem anyway, but still...! Anyway, this is a really nice page! I'm loving the variety of characters shown here, and I can't help but find my eye being drawn towards that red dragon especially. Is she a new character? She looks great! :) Also, I'm sorry to hear about the flood; I hope it didn't cause too much damage!


Exactly! I'm pretty sure every one of those queens have their very own agenda...


This path is going to be enterely on its own (at least atm!), although I can guarantee we'll see a "Harem ending" in another path under very different circumstances.


When did it stop mattering? Vodka is still shocked by Adam's greed and his lack of common sense. Also, she's deeply worried about Bukka since she thought the bunny girl was safe. Keep in mind she's 50% loyal to the hive - 50% loyal to her people, so while the multiple queens thing concerns her, that's not her only concern right now. Adam simply doesn't care about that. Perhaps he never listened to the queen's warning... all he wants is power and having his needs fulfilled without anyone telling him what to do. There's also the possibility his actions are being motivated by something else. As I already said before... wait and see the whole thing, first. We still have to see the Breeder Queen's reaction and she's TRULY worried about those multiple queens, so her actions will be decisive. I can't say more because... spoilers.


Bukka thinks she's the only queen Adam "created", though! We'll have to see what happens when she learns about all these queens :o


Oh! Aurenn is already "taken" as we saw in that cameo from Last Survivor: Episode 2's final pages. Also, Adam wanted someone free from corruption (and willing to become a powerful queen).


Sooner or later, even 8-9 Queens won't be enough for him <.< Thanks, it didn't cause anything major although I had to mop the whole place at lightspeed to avoid a disaster... specially since my entire home is full of boxes waiting for my upcoming move D:


No worries! Everything is safe for now :) Glad you like it! These final pages will be quite intense story-wise. I have a few surprises planned and an even bigger revelation for the last page of this path.


I must admit I can't wait to draw Bukka and Vodka meeting again, specially now that things have changed so much for them (at least in this path) :3 And no worries! It didn't damage anything important although I was starting to get quite nervous when I saw the whole place like that.


It's fine, I'm glad the most important stuff remains intact although I had to work hard to keep everything safe. Cardboard boxes and floods are quite a terrible combination.


Yeah, all those are new (random) characters :). I'm so glad you like them! And thanks! I managed to keep all the important stuff safe in time :3


... So who is the villain here, exactly?


The villain role was shared between Adam and the Queen... however, Adam is proving to be much worse now. The Queen's motivations are related to the survival of her species... Adam is simply out of control doing whatever he wants.