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Colors! Adam finally presents us the first members of his "Harem" project. What consequences will this have for the Breeders, including the Queen, Vodka and Bukka?

On a side note, I'm finishing the newest page of "Our Big Day" right now, besides another surprise. They'll be complete and posted here on Monday/Tuesday! :)




Oh it gets even worse? Joy...


Adam got him a harem

Fleur Dryke

Very bad, to a degree. Sexy view, but Adam is definitely going off the rails

BossMajor 345

Leave to Adam to ruin everything again.


You fool!


So if you are a bird, do you get to keep your wings and get an additional the bug wings version? Or is that bird queen a griffon?

Xaziana Tenebris

I would think the bug wings would get added about mid to lower back while the bird wings would remain attached to the shoulder blades


What a twist. Shouldn't Vodka and the Queen have sensed the other "Queens" because of their connection?

Julian Hartmann

Snap → Plap → Crack → Eject? (Fluids from your body, of course) Is there any clear visual distinction between a queen and a regular breederfied female?


To answer this question with but a guess, unless xpray hands over the book of the full biology and how a breeder works along with its system. Apparently their sensory is similar to a hive mind, when adam was making his new queens, seems like he was forming his own knew hivemind out of his sexual will, and the 3 queens are part of it, or well, an "Extension of his will", that and the queen did say she didnt sense him, so to me, it seems more like a new hivemind that formed similar to bukka's


Im now wondering, since this is the path where bukka is corrupted into breeder (Non-queen) is she able to join this harem as well..?

Sebastian delaBarra

Ya know Adam is pretty much the real villain all along. If he thought with the head between his shoulders and not the one between his legs this whole series may have ended at Ep One. Thought the little bit with his dick thudding against his chest was a funny little detail. I do believe horses and elephants actually masterbate like that.


Bukka has been corrupted into a Breeder queen in this path! The fact she had intercourse with Adam (who happens to be the Breeder King) means she received the "royal genes" from him :3 Sooner or later she'll appear in the next scenes, although we still have to see her reaction when she sees all these new queens. Adam promised Bukka (in the Flash game) she was going to be the only Breeder queen, but it looks like he had different plans in mind.


Queens have distinctive traits like those lines/scale things that cover the underbelly, besides an extra set of antennas coming from the back of their head. Also, they're bigger than breederfied females!