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Inks and colors next! Vodka really wants to accept Bukka's offer, but she also remembers she has an important mission to fulfill, coming from the Breeder Queen herself!

However, Vodka's shark self is still there, and Bukka knows that side of her better than anyone else~ :3

On a side note, my deepest apologies for the slight delay. I'm still dealing with a hard time irl and a lot of anxiety, which is starting to take a toll on my health.




No worries, take care of yourself. Take a break with your health starts to feel shaky.


There's nothing to apologize for on the delay, It's completely understandable given the circumstances *hugs*. I really hope things improve for you soon, and if you need to take a health break it's completely fine Holy shit the faces in this page are *priceless*, pouty Vodka acting all stroppy gives me life xD