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As I mentioned in a previous post, the comic will be called The Nu U. I had so much fun writing and drawing "Sissy Censor Service". Most of you seemed to enjoy it too, so I'm really excited to bring you a new ongoing comic. 

I've learned some things by doing the process before. One of which is to write the entire story before I even launch, and then not continue the story beyond what I initially wrote. I'm glad to say I finished writing it just a few days ago. So there shouldn't be that aimless meandering feeling that ScS had.

This story will have a beginning middle and end. That being said, it won't go on for a year an a half like ScS did. This story is going to last a few months, and then I'll move on to a new story. It is possible that it could be a continuation in this universe, or something else. At any rate, I SUPER love this story, and I think you will too. The concept gets me very... excited. I can't wait to draw and reveal it to you all.

Finally... *warning I'm about to grovel and beg, so you can stop reading if you don't want to hear this* I'm sooo grateful to those of you who are current patrons. You are literally the only reason I continue doing this. Yes I would always draw (like I always have) but it would just be for my own enjoyment and not shared with internet. So please understand how big a contribution you make to my art. And if you're reading this and aren't a patron, I could use your help. I work a full time job, and draw full time. Even with the wonderful generous donations of my patrons, for the amount of time I spend working on my art, I make FAR less than the US minimum wage for my art. If you like my work and it has given you ANY enjoyment, won't you consider donating even 1 dollar a month? Ok, I'll shut up now. Enjoy The Nu U!


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