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It's been a pretty difficult year for me so far, but very soon the RoC - Reboot will be here I know I am a bit late but I have some nice images I made, of course beautified a bit just for you the high res links if you want them. Bless you all I love you all and have said it before and I'll say it again I could not have given the RoC - Reboot that professional touch without you guys.

Links to high res versions below.






Thank you so much for taking the time despite all the things you have on your plate already, to create these images for us. You are an amazing and very talented human being. And how beautiful is my beloved Rose, omg....


I have a full set of follower lines from Kelly, Rose fans won't be disappointed with the RoC - Reboot. ;)


I have never really considered myself a "fan" of anything. Those people camping out for a movie premiere were, "crazy". However I now understand what those people were feeling because I have really become a fan of the Rigmor saga. Jim, what you and all you collaborators have produced is truly special. Thank you. I'll be camping out next to my computer for the RoC reboot premiere. I know right, pffff.