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I want to give thanks to everyone that can still support me. We are living in unprecedented times. Times of worry, uncertainty and of panic. I hope cooler head prevail in these times of crisis.

However, For the continued support I’m truly and unconditionally grateful. You don’t know how much it means to me. For my commissioners, I am again so grateful for you. You are a blessing.

I will set up draw requesting soon. Will be open to everyone to submit. When things check out I’ll make it happen.

Comic process is going really well. I do hope guest art starts to come in before I plan to release it. Hopefully in May or summer.

Poll will be a boy poll. There are some characters I always wanted to draw or revisit. Like; Griffith and other pretty boys. So if you are into that I hope you look forward to that.

I might do two polls. A Boi poll and an Oc poll both will be color sketches if I do go through with it.

I will update the links to everything soon so the old links will be dead ones.

I think that is all pertaining to art for now if nothing is escaping my head atm.

Thoughts on this event.

It’s crazy how things changed. Right when I felt so confident in my space and career. This pandemic exposed a lot of issues. It came to head and it scares the hell out of me. I wanted to start to look into raising a family. This year was to prepare for that for me. I got out of my college debt. Things felt like everything was going RIGHT! Felt like i was going to reach a goal that wasn’t art related. This halted all that and I’m depressed about it all. Really blackpilled on all of it. I see no silver lining. If I see good news there are dozens of bad ones to overshadow it. Could be months of this hell and the consequences of our leaders choices will echo for years and even decades.

I am practicing social distancing. It hurts. I love my family. I miss my friends. When I visited my family this week it felt so close yet so far because I don’t want to expose my parents and siblings to anything if I happen to carry it without symptoms or something. Just shows how things in life were taken for granted even when I tried not to do that on a daily basis. Enough rambling. I don’t really divulge this much of my thoughts and personal insight on things like this but it’s unprecedented times so I think there are exceptions.

i want to end on a good note and come full circle. I don’t take you, my patrons, a lot of you buddies, I don’t take you for granted. Thank you so much for everything. Again, I am truly grateful. I cannot say it enough. I can’t express it enough. There are no words to describe how much you mean to me for this.

See you soon and in the meantime, stay safe and be safe.

Most sincere regards,




Stay strong

Robert B.

Unfortunately we are all thinking and dealing with the same concerns and fears but we are strong and things, will, get better we just have to stay strong and be safe until then. Our futures are still bright, it's just a little cloudy right now. Congratulations on getting out of college debt and planning for the future, just keeping that goal in mind is what makes the future worth waiting for. Good luck and stay safe.


Love you ❤️