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I am going to switch somethings around my patreon for the future, starting August 2018. My Patreon was put up so, it would allow me to focus my efforts on bringing my supporters quality art on a regular basis. However, I want to shift my focus BACK to my original pledge to you, the patrons.
That pledge was for patreon to allow me freedom to explore other genres, my characters, and new challenges instead of solely commissioned subject matter.

In short, I want to escape the commission environment for many of the high pledge tiers.

This shift on focus will allow me to finish projects that would otherwise take a back seat to other work that I am not as passionate about.
I want to bring content that I enjoy producing and sharing to you. For a awhile it seems like most of my content was to please a few.

Here are the new changes that will be effective August 2018.

The Claudia- Ester tiers will now have cool downs. So every other month. However, you will be getting more than you do now.

  • 50usd get a color sketch pinup with bg instead of a regular sketch
  • 100 usd Full body with background

The month where I am not drawing a custom piece for these pledge tiers, I will be working on self projects, like Comics, and more OC work. Again, this is to shift focus back to allowing me creative freedom.

This is all the news I have to share to you right now. I hope it isn’t inconvenient to you but I understand if you don't like the new changes. However, I want to make things that I am proud of and happy to share. I would to read feedback from you.

Thank you for your attention.

Best Regards,







Super down to see bigger projects from you!


soooooo~ will there be any new Ester tier openings?