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Yeah boi


Hell yeah

Gaston Denton

Couldn't you create some more trap OCs? Because like that it was obvious Alexis would win, because the straight guys all had different opinions on who's the best girl, whereas the queer guys didn't have much choice. I guess everybody knew Alexis would win this vote.


I don't make characters that I don't feel passionate about. A lot of the characters are already in my head. I just need to draw them. However, I don't subscribe to the model of affirmative action to fill a quota. I think Alexis is special among my characters because they aren't just a character that was made to appease a certain crowd. They were always around but I never knew how to bring them to life. Among other characters. However, Alexis would have lost to Eva, if it was a one person, one vote they definitely would lose. I been thinking of removing that system because it is kind of unfair to the rest. I might make another way to have the dollar donators participate too. Thank you for the suggestion though. It's good to read from my donators and their thoughts.