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Good evening my dears and Merry Christmas to those of you who celebrate! ^^ I hope you all have been having a kind day to you. 

Dropping off a handful of sketches here as well a digital commission that was made for a dear friend of mine, Umi. 

During the last time of this year I'll be reflecting most of all on the gift of compassion and support you all have given me. Your time, your patience, your kindness, and your encouragement have all meant the world to me in a year that was one wild roller coaster. 

We've seen quite the handful of stories come to fruition, and we've certainly seen a pile of stories through sketches that may one day get their own time to shine too! I've already got the next sketch book waiting, and knowing I can share them with you dears warms my heart truly. 

I'll be counting down these last six days appreciating the time we've shared together, and what we've made together through it. And whether you'll be with me next month or we part ways, I want you to know how much a world's difference you've given me just by being here when you were. Bless you sweeties. 




Merry Christmas Shane. I hope you realize how much good you do. I'm glad that, no matter how small my contribution is, I'm able to support your work. Here's to another year, the good and the bad

Shane Wexelman

Bless you, hun. No matter how small you may believe your contribution to be, I will always be nothing but grateful and appreciate your generosity.

Bitchboy McGee

Lawd help me I'm way too invested in Rita. Lovely commission piece too. Always gotta keep that Shane on you.