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Good evening my dears~ I hope you're doing alright tonight~ Dropping a little handful of sketches off the top of my head. ^^ I hope you enjoy these silly little things as much as I did sketching them. ^^




I adore every one of these interactions, you're such a perfect tease with these one-shot scenarios Shane, have some mercy!

Shane Wexelman

Bless you! I tend to hold onto these sketches, especially ones comic-wise as you never know that they may become complete things someday!


As someone with arachnophobia, I don't normally care for spiders or spider-like monsters, but leave it you to make a spider character I would totally cuddle with. Also, I identify with that wizard so hard. He's like the mage version of /that/ bard in a D&D group. Y'know, the one who's first action in any monster encounter is "I attempt to seduce the ____". Though I guess most of us here would be like that in a fantasy setting, eh?