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Hello my dears! I hope you're doing alright tonight! 

I'm dropping in and want to apologize as there are some major changes going on at the moment on my end. We're kinda doing a bit of moving around here and getting things packed up to be switched around out of all these rooms. 

I have to take care of some things with my family so there are going to be some minor delays. I'm still going to be putting in time with the comic pages but my output is going to be impacted! I'm really sorry, I was going to bring this up earlier but I've been busy coordinating and prepping, but I should hopefully be back on schedule here very shortly!



No worries Shane, take your time.


It's okay, we understand. You put so much effort into getting these comics and drawings done, we understand that real life has to come up sometimes. It's always appreciated that you do so much for us. Hope everything goes alright, you know if you need something you can message on Discord.


I can relate, going through a move myself. I wish you the best!


You spoil us already as is, Shane. We can wait.


Shane you come first sweetie, we can wait, focus on your family for now

Ryan Jones

Take your time Shane, we will all be here when you get back :)


Good luck with the move. I hope things go smoothly!


I never understand why you apologize for these things. Take care of everything you need to, we're not going anywhere

Shane Wexelman

I think a lot of it probably comes from a history of trauma and a lifetime trying to work with feeling inadequate. It's like one of my sketches I shared. "I don't hate myself, but I know what I am. I'm not good enough." My mindset worsens as I'm tired and exhausted. "The world is a terrible place when you're tired." And so in times like these, it's hard for me to hear my own advice and others or recognize the support I'm given. I trick and fool myself, and the only thing I can do in the end is apologize and be sorry. I project a lot of my own disappointment and expectations on others, and I have a long way to go, to find more peace and acceptance in my limitations being human. And learning to trust and commit to heart the kindness of you dears that I am blessed with. It's hard, but I love all you sweethearts.


It's hard for people like us to reach out for help and just be better. I wish we as your audience could do more to aid you. Just take care of yourself, and know that we'll always be around to support your work