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Good afternoon my dears! I hope you're doing well today! Up for view and download is a work I call " Cloud Walker " 

 ' Sullen are we, cloud walker?

I see in you as Issac saw in the great hallway. A silent lake's surface  of reflections in the water. Yet you figure little is there weight to  you.

Come..come. What is in you but great things? When troubled and yielding,  does any other feel greater, your pain in that moment? When satisfied,  does any other rejoice so genuinely for your task? Even in weariness of  the heart, will any other cling so vehemently to your quiet hope?

You are not empty of meaning, nor so hopeless. But you must know this confrontation to resolve the prejudice of yourself.

I do not see ruin. I see a lake. Come...'

Of course, there are also silly little sketches included in this package! Things to perhaps carry our way onto Friday! Have a great weekend my dears, and I am hopeful to pick up the reigns once more for a great many things for the horizons!                             



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