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Good morning my dears! I hope you are doing well today! 

I wanted to apologize for my radio silence for this last week. Had a call out to California by my grandmother for a family visit, and quite the surprise that I drove on back to Seattle in a car they no longer needed of. It's a great start to better travels around the town, and gaining my confidence behind the wheel once more. 

In the mean time, I had sketches to work with, thoughts to consider, books to read, and music to share! Take this particular work for example, inspired by our Cobalt Rabbit "  Jeesh | Holding You | Mashupulous "Live Club" Remix " which can be found here https://soundcloud.com/mashupulous/jeesh-holding-you-mashupulous-live-club-remix

In this post we'll learn about proper bat-anatomy, sharing a heart, and giving into rat demands. Happy belated Easter you wonderful things!  



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