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Good evening my dears! I hope you have been doing well today! It has been a thing of rain, quiet reflection...oh yeah, and working on the next page of The Sigj! Ended up listening to a bit of Fantasy Island while I tended to the panels. Yes, I have not seen the show before. Yes I know I can sometimes be waywardly out of culture. Anywho, there was a moment in an episode that I paused upon. 

" The ability to make someone laugh is a gift, and like all gifts it can be used for good..or wasted. But only that truth is found through a person. " 

mm..suppose I'll call it here for a night then. May rest my head and eyes. Or perhaps I'll crawl my way back for another page. I really shouldn't do that but..well..you know me! Sometimes I get so grabbed by that feeling, that entrancing desire to share a moment with someone, anyone. To let them in on my worlds. To show them these awkward ideas, and moments that seem to go nowhere but mean so much. 

My mother once told me that I had a gift for making people smile. Ironic since so many of my works can be so bitter and sad at times. They have a way of turning around though, don't they? You can't ignore what you're good at..and for a lot of people, I think they're good at making others smile too. Just sort of forget now and again when little of anyone is able to do that for them too. Things turn around, right? Course they do. Trust me. If you're not feeling so good right now, we'll turn things around eventually. Together.




and you make me smile more than i deserve!


It takes a talented hand to give these characters such life like you do. Makes me smile a lot. This stuff is great!