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Well my dears, the day has finally come. To make it special, I wanted this to be a two post night. Thus this story has come to an end. 

When I began this story I honestly wasn't entirely sure how it would all turn out. There were plenty of times where I second guessed myself, and a night or two where I tossed and turned. 

But in the end I feel like it came together just the way I liked it. Being honest with you guys, I'm absolutely wiped. I think we went this entire story, a page a night. Imagine that. 83 days. Towards the start of this month I had a very terrible stomach infection, and truth is it's done its damage and left me at this time still recovering. 

I think I need a couple of days here to try and catch my breath. I haven't missed a day of work either and so I feel a bit of a toll has been taken. But that doesn't mean this break will be for long. Perhaps...four or five days just to clear my head and breathe before we bring up the poll for the next story! Oh how exciting! 


It's always humoring to me thinking about how this all began. Back when I was writing those FNAF's fanfiction stories, I was actually suffering from serotonin syndrome. 

Everything felt like it made sense. Felt untouchable, and the words just flew on out of me. Hour after hour, day after day. By the time the third one was being wrapped up, I was finally leveling out again. It would be after this that my Psychiatrist and I would wind myself down and off the medication I had been on.

One of my friends joked with me on Discord that I couldn't do something with Toy Chica. At the time I had came back to my senses, and that magic that made everything make sense was gone. So I sat with it for a while with all these vague idea's. 

It was after I moved forward and began adult works that the idea returned to me, and though it was still mostly fragments and small feelings, they became something more. 

I want to thank you guys for having participated in the original voting for the next comic that lead to this. I'm looking forward to us sharing the next journey and seeing it play out a page at a time together.  




A wonderful story! I'm glad I was here for it. Please take a rest; your pacing at 1 page per day must've been incredibly taxing! Thank you Shane! I look forward to whatever it is that you do next.


Super happy I got to see this from the beginningtake some time man. You more then earned it.

Yuvie (Ornero)

You've been an absolute trooper with your diligence through all of this. It was a pleasure to experience this story along the way, and please take as much time as you need!!

Ms. Fuffles

I'm really glad you made this story, it was really heartwarming and gave me a lot of emotions. You really deserve a break so take care of yourself and thanks for the amazing content

Jon LionKiller

Thanks for the very lovely story. Enjoy it all the way to the end. Get some good rest and take care of yourself~!

Ryan Jones

Lovely story as always. Its a great work.

Jaxon Nobles

What a spectacular end to a beautiful comic! Do you happen to have links to said FNaF fanfics you wrote? I'm very intrigued, haha. Don't feel bad about letting yourself rest, either. This comic was a great trek to share and I look forward to the next.


From beginning to end, loved following this wonderful story Shane. For all the long and dedicated work it took, I truly hope you found a fair share of joy and satisfaction in the end, putting it all on paper to share with us all Thanks as always for the work you do, and take a big breather there!


This was a wonderful story. You managed to give depth to a fnaf setting that fnaf itself rarely has. Enjoy your rest, remember to really take it easy and I hope you recover soon!


Probably won’t happen but I’d love to see a continuation of this comic. I could feel the all emotions when reading this, Great work as always


this was a great story, ah who am I kidding, This was a bloody amazing story, I can't wait to see whatcha do next


That's a damn good story right there 20/10, got me crying over here